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Caramelized Corned Beef Brisket

California’s sunshine is a wistful, wishful memory while I trudge through another gloomy, grey Minnesota winter day. Normally, I would feel my house with baking therapy aromas to combat my blues, but my oven is till on the fritz, unreliable and cranky and the new oven won’t be here until next week… So, I turn to my stove top for my continued No-Oven Challenge… If I can’t bake, I will resort to hearty, flavorful and comforting winter meals, and boy, do I have a simple and easy one for you!

Three easy steps: First, purchase a package of corned beef brisket and cook as directed, then make a delicious, sweet-spicy mix and spread it all over, and last, bake it in the oven. All that is left for you to do is to slice and enjoy along your favorite side! (I vote for mashed potatoes and green beans) ANy leftovers are great in a sandwich, shredded into a hash or chopped into soup, No waste here!

So, do not despair of coming up with yet another dinner - I’ve got you covered! Take a bow and then enjoy! ( I won’t even ask for credit!)

Simple and delicious caramelized corned beef brisket, perfect with creamy mashed potatoes and lemony green beans on a cold winter night.

Caramelized Corned Beef Brisket