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Chai-Spiced Apple Babka & Other Thoughts

My front yard maple tree is kissed with red, its top slowly turning a deep ruby. I gaze up as the sun glints through the thick foliage and marvel that here we are - another Jewish New Year is here. I consider the magnitude of all that has happened this past year; internationally, nationally, locally here in Minneapolis and personally - in our family. My thoughts carry me forward to the coming year, as I wonder what victories and joys, sorrow and hardship will unfold. I find that I am grateful; for the beauty of the nature around me, for the roof over my head and the bounty on may table, for the love of my family.

As I turn to go inside and begin cooking a small holiday meal, my senses are filled with autumn. The colors and scents of fall; apples and spice, red and gold, are both comfort and inspiration for me. As always, baking is how I work through my thoughts and feelings. So what to bake to process my emotions on this glorious fall day?

I am partial to yeasted doughs. Something about their aromas wafting up as I knead the soft and elastic dough on my counter, the meditative repetition and the fragrant, tender end result, nourishes me in ways that are difficult to verbalize. So, I unearth my copy of the NY Times Babka Recipe by Melissa Clark and decide to play with fall flavors of apples and chai spice.

So, I played; apples & lemon? apples with butter? white sugar or brown sugar? how much spice? syrup or no syrup? Brandy or bourbon? The experiments found their way to neighbors and families homes (and tummies). Then the verdict was in and a final recipe emerged. The result is a buttery soft babka laden with caramelized apples, warm with spices and a delicious hint of booze. It might just become your favorite fall dessert!

Chai-Spiced Apple Babka